Becoming Acquainted with Swami Rama
Quiet Space

Becoming Acquainted with Swami Rama

The Himalayas has been the abode of saints and yogis for over 5,000 years. Livings in caves thousands of feet removed from human settlement, the sages continue to be the source of wisdom for civilization. As high and wide as the Himalayan mountains themselves, stretching over 1,500 miles in length and reaching to 29,000 feet … Continue reading »

At Home

The Ground on Which I Stand

Most people, when they look down at their feet, are looking for something they lost or dropped, maybe an earring or a contact lens. Then again, they could be admiring their brand new sneakers or high heels but let’s say, generally, they are fixated on the feet, not what’s under it. Or maybe you are … Continue reading »